Oct 3, 2009


We had a GREAT time watching the spartans today with our friends Eric, Teresa, and Benjamin! We were all dressed in our MSU gear. Minus a slight scare towards the end of the 4th quarter causing them to go into overtime it was a super FUN game to watch : ) Hopefully it's a sign of good things to come the rest of the season! Go STATE!!!

Our little spartan fans!

Oct 1, 2009

Go Tigers!

Jackson went to his first Tigers game today! We were hoping he would be their good luck charm and they would clinch the division but no such luck : ( He still had a great time though! We were so proud of him for how good he was during the whole game. He mainly slept but did wake up to eat and cheer them on for a little while : )Waiting in line with daddy to get the tickets
trying to stay awake and watch the game : )

feeling good after eating and ready to cheer on the Tigers some more : )

Two Months!

Time continues to fly by at the Almy household! We can't believe Jackson is two months old already! He weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces and was 22 inches long at his two month appt....so he gained two more pounds and grew an inch this past month : ) No more newborn clothes : ) His Dr said that he looked great and that his jaundice appeared to be gone. We were so thankful to hear that because it meant no more blood draws! Jackson continues to sleep better and better at night...one night he made it till 5 am before waking up to eat...yeah buddy! Hopefully before too long that will be the norm!