Dec 20, 2009

Feet are FUN!

Jackson found his feet a couple weeks ago and ever since then he has not let them go...especially during bathtime and at diaper changes : )

Who needs toys when you can have so much fun with your feet : )

Dec 12, 2009


At Jackson's 4 month appt we were given the go-ahead to start cereal if we wanted. Since Jackson still wasn't sleeping through the night consistently we decided try cereal and see if it helped. Between that and moving him to his 'big boy' bed in his own room it seems to be working! He's made it till at least 530 am for the past week and then goes back to sleep till at least 8 after he eats in the morning : ) At first he didn't quite know what to think of it, but now he's ready for every bite!

What are you feeding me Daddy?!?!

I'm a mess!

Okay this cereal stuff isn't too bad!

Here let me clean my face : )

Getting Our Christmas Tree!!!

It was a beautiful day last Sunday when we went to cut down our Christmas tree! Jackson and Bentley were both excited to come with us and pick one out : ) Bentley wasn't so sure about the tractor/hayride at first, but eventually he settled down and enjoyed the ride.

Jackson was all bundled up and tucked inside my coat, so he stayed nice and toasty : )
Gerrad and Bentley dragging the tree to the tractor pick-up spot.

Our family with our tree waiting to be picked up.

Jackson even had his picture taken with Santa!

I'm Four Months Old!

It truely amazes me how much Jackson changes from month to month! He rolls over all the time now...still only from his tummy to his back though. He is getting really good at reaching for toys and grabbing them....and of course bringing them to his mouth! He can hold a rattle for a long time too! At his 4 month appt he weighed 14 lbs 4 oz, and was 24 1/4 inches.

One of his favorite things to do is take a bath. Lately his new trick is to try and drink his bath gross! We will sit him up straight, and instantly he opens his mouth and leans to the side to take a gulp. Crazy boy : )

It was fun to sit in the rocking horse at Grandma's house!
Man am I cute!!!!

Bronner's and Thanksgiving

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting again! It has been awhile! We've been very busy these last few weeks. The weekend before Thanksgiving we took Jackson to meet up with his grandparents at Frankenmuth. We shopped at Bronners and then went and had a big dinner at the Bavarian Inn. Jackson loved looking at all the lights and ornaments at Bronners. So much to take in there!

Thanksgiving was a fun and busy day. We got together with the Donker clan for lunch and hung out with them for the afternoon. Jackson and Zion had fun playing together. They are going to be best buds growing up!

Are they cute or what. Zion put his arm around Jackson all by himself!

At night we met up with the Snyder side of Gerrad's family at his parents house. Jackson finally got to meet his new cousin Ella!