Mar 28, 2010

Poor Bentley...

Bentley tries really hard to make us feel bad for him! He looks pathetic lying on our shoes...which he does all the time!
You would think we never play with him...but that is so not the case!

I Can Sit and Play All by Myself!

Jackson loves to sit and play with his zoo and Easter egg basket! It's so nice to not have to worry about him falling over anymore : ) He is really good at making a huge mess with his toys....and so it begins : )

Boat Show

The Lemke's came down a couple weeks ago to go to the boat show...more like the pontoon show! It was fun hanging out with them, and checking out all the pontoons. We even found one honoring Bentley...too bad we couldn't have brought him with us : )
The boys enjoying a drink at the bar on one of the pontoons! Can you say party boat?!?!

I Lead a Rough Life!

Must been a hard day of running errands with Mom and Dad!

Bathtime fun!

Well, it took about a week, but Jackson now loves his new bathtub! When we first switched him to it he would scream and cry everytime he got in. So, Gerrad and I made up a little bathtime song and it made him laugh and helped him to enjoy his bath...he probably thought we sounded ridiculous!!!! Whatever works though : )
Bentley loves to join Jackson during long as he doesn't have to get in the bath with him! He even brings Jackson some dog toys to play with in the bath....what a nice big brother : )

Sitting all by himself in his big boy tub!