May 17, 2010

Smart, Determined, or Both?!?

Jackson's main goal in life these days is playing in Bentley's water bowl! He is seriously relentless when it comes to going after it! Everytime he turns the corner around the chair he starts laughing as the bowls are now in sight and moves quickly to go play with them before we grab him : ) He reaches the food bowl first, puts his hand in and swishes only to find nothing in it and then heads for the one with water. It really is quite funny...although I don't think Bentley is too amused : ) This particular day Gerrad and I were trying to eat dinner and thought that putting the exersaucer by the chair would keep him in the room or at least slow him down a lot. Not so much. It took him all of about a minute to make his way through. There was no holding him back, and he was quite proud of himself : ) Little stinker!

I'm so smart!

on the move!

food bowl first : )


This is so fun Mom!

My First Mother's Day : )

I had a wonderful first Mother's Day! Jackson and Gerrad made me breakfast and cleaned up : ) We went for a nice long walk since it was such a nice day out. Jackson got to try his new swing...which he loved as evidenced by the pictures! I'm sure he'll have lots of fun with that this summer! That evening we all went out for dinner. It was a great day, and of course the best part was just hanging out at home with my family : )

big smiles!

ooooh this is fun : )

Jackson loves going out for dinner!