Aug 15, 2010

I love ravioli!!!

Daddy took a picture of Jackson after dinner one night when he was watching him....he went straight to the bathtub!

Reading books all by himself : )

Jackson loves to go sit in his room and read his books : )

More 4th of July weekend

We spent the weekend of the 4th in GR and then headed to the cottage for the week after. We got a lot of good family time in which was great!
Taking a bath with Zion in Grandma's sink
Just call him the sandman!

I love the beach Mom!

Cashed out down by lake Michigan....what a life!

All refreshed from his nap and ready to walk in the water : )

Jackson and Daddy : )

Having fun with Zion

The Lemke family came to join us for a day at the cottage


Jackson loves swimming with Bentley at the cottage!

4th of July Parade

So I'm only over a month behind in updating, but better late than never : ) We've been super busy in our household lately, but we've been having lots of fun too.

On the 4th of July we joined some of our family for the Cascade parade and had a blast! Jackson loved watching the big trucks go down the road, but I think his favorite part was the the petting zoo and riding the ponies! He was a trooper the whole time but when we left he was asleep on Gerrad's shoulder before we even made it out of the park! Hopefully it will work out for us to go again next year!

Jackson and Zion having some snacks while we waited for the parade to start

Mya wanted to come and share some snacks too.

I love hanging out with my cousins!! Having fun riding the pony!
Look at me...riding all by myself!!!

This a great view of the parade up here Dad!

Now that is one BIG sloppy kiss from a baby cow!

Checking out the little pony