Sep 24, 2010

Pooltime Fun!

We've been having lots of fun playing in the pool this summer with all the hot weather! Sure will be sad to put the pool away this fall.

Trying to walk in the's very tricky : )

What a ham!

Jackson loves his new cousin!

Jackson just loves his new cousin baby Rowen! Everytimes he sees him he gets a Huge smile on his face and loves it when he can hold him or "pet" him : ) Hopefully this continues with his own new baby in a few months!
a little switcheroo : )

new buddies!

so precious!!!

Sep 15, 2010

A Long Overdue Update!!!

Things have been so busy at the Almy household the last couple months. I started back to work and had to put a lot of time in during orientation and Gerrad has started traveling. Needless to say updating the blog got put on the back burner. But I am going to do my best to get caught up in the next week or so especially now that my little munckin is in daycare 2 days a week and I have time to clean and get caught up around the house : )
We had a Great time at Jackson's 1st Birthday Party!! Thankfully the weather cooperated and it didn't rain. It was pretty cloudy all day but that kept the heat down a little so we weren't all dying outside. The little kids were able to play in the pool and the 'big' kids had fun playing horseshoes, bean bag toss, and enjoyed a few adult beverages : )

At 1 year Jackson was standing up on his own for a little bit at a time but wasn't ready to take steps. He was getting really good at pushing his toys around though! He is an excellent eater and will eat almost anything we give him. He prefers to have whatever we are having and if he has something different he points at our plates and lets us know he would like some as well : ) He has quite the little personality and is developing a little temper when he can't do what he wants. We have witnessed the throwing ourselves on the floor and crying as well as trying to bite. Good times! All in all though he is a very good little guy and we are just so in love with him!!!! Here are a few pics from his birthday party : ) Grandma Suzie came into town on Jackson's actual birthday and we took him to RainForest Cafe for dinner. He loved looking at all the animals, fish and was also kids night so lots going on!
He wasn't quite sure what to think of the frog
His very first birthday present : ) I think he likes it : )
So excited for his party!
The boys checking the water...yup seems to be warm enough!
Yeah for the birthday boy!
Opening presents
He LOVED his cake!

Making sure he gets every crumb : )

Playing in his new ball pit!