Dec 11, 2010

Phew I think we are all caught up again!

So I can't believe I missed posting during the entire month of November! Life in the Almy household just hasn't slowed down and who knows if it ever will in the near future. Gerrad has been traveling every week for work which has been hard on all of us. We are hoping that come the first of the year that will be done! Jackson is growing, growing, growing! He is all over the house emptying drawers and cupboards that aren't locked and making great messes. His favorite is the lazy susan where all the snacks and cereal are kept. He helps himself on a regular basis and is NOT a happy camper if you take what he found away from him! His vocabulary is coming along as well....He's up to about 15 words or so mixed in with a lot of babbling. He loves to read books and build tower after tower with blocks...that he can knock down. I am counting down the days till this new munchkin arrives. We are definitely ready for him/her now, especially since I'm now on limited activity due to blood pressure issues. We would love to have an extra special present before Christmas, but only time will tell if that happens : )

We had a wonderful time in Grand Rapids over Thanksgiving, and are hoping to make it into town for Christmas if the new baby allows it : ) Either way it should be a fun and special Christmas for us with Jackson getting more into it and the possibility of a new member in our family. We hope and pray that you all have a Blessed Christmas as well!

Here are a few more pictures from the last few weeks!
Donker family Thanksgiving dinner. Good thing we all really like each other cause we were crammed in!
Jackson trying some Thanksgiving dinner....he wasn't a real big fan, but he ate a little of it

Jackson and Zion playing on Grandma's bed!

Two buddies having lots of fun!

Awwww....the three cousins!
Jackson - 16 mths, Rowen - 3 1/2 mths, Zion - 18 1/2 mths
My little ragamuffin after dinner one night....he was a MESS!!!!
Jackson loves to 'help' Bentley eat his food. Sometimes he'll even mix in a few cheerios as a special treat for Bentley : )

Helping himself to the cheerios : )

Happy Halloween!

Jackson had a lot of fun this Halloween. We went to a party at his daycare and he "won" some prizes and got round one of treats : ) It was cute to see all the little kids dressed up!

not quite sure what to think of the big cat.
playing one of the games...well attempting anyway : )

Jackson and his friend Will.

Our little giraffe all ready to go out trick-or-treating!

We just went to a few houses on our street so Mommy, I mean Jackson could get some candy : ) It's amazing how fast he figured out what to do. After the first house he was standing there holding his bucket out all by himself! Super cute!!!

Getting a bucket full!
"hmmmm maybe if I just keep standing here they'll give me some more" : )

Fall Fun!

We loved having milder weather this fall!!! Jackson had a great time helping me rake leaves...well he thought he was helping anyway : ) We'll have to work on those skills next year! Either way we enjoyed lots of outdoor time!

Helping Mommy scoop out the pumpkin
Making sure Daddy cuts the face out just right!
The finished product!

Yeah for Jackson's first pumpkin!

Fun times at the Orchard

We visited the apple orchard a couple times this fall and Jackson had so much fun both times! Here he is crawling thru the tunnel : )
Talking to the donkey...or trying to figure out what that funny noise is that it's making!

Feeding the sheep like a big boy!

"look at the goat Mom!"

Feeding the sheep again...they were hungry : )

Having a blast playing on the hay bale tower!

Walking with Daddy....he's getting so big!

Our little ham on the wagon ride. He was a hit with all the other riders : )

A quick family photo in front of our pumpkin!