Feb 26, 2011

Ellery at 1 month

We are soooo thankful and blessed that Ellery is such a good baby! Mr Jackson requires a bit of our attention so Ellery spends a lot of time in the swing, bouncy seat etc. She is a great eater, and sleeper so far. At one month she was sleeping on average at least one 5 hour stretch at night! Sometimes it was a little longer than that and other times a little shorter. Either way I'll take it over those initial 1-2 hr stretches of sleep!
At her 1 month appt she weighed 7 lbs 4oz (10%ile), and was 20 inches long (5-10%ile). she's definitely a tiny little peanut, but she did gain well since her last appt! The bummer was that she caught her first cold already : ( Jackson picked one up at daycare the first week back after Christmas break and kindly shared it with her. Poor little baby. She made it through it though without developing an ear infection which was great.

I think the newborn size clothes are a bit big on her : ) They'll last awhile I'm guessing!

Getting a little sponge bath and hairwash....she loved it : )

Look at me in my cute headband : )

Sleeping in her carseat....she does that a lot since she is so stuffy. Keeps her head nice and elevated!

So tiny!

Some Random fun pictures : )

Jackson LOVES to play outside in the snow! He has gotten pretty good at walking around in all his snowgear : )
Ellery's carseat must be pretty cozy. Jackson tucked himself into it all by himself...

and then talked on the phone : )

Our little monkey man! He has to climb on EVERYTHING these days!

Little Miss Ellery : )

Mommy and her babies : )

Daddy reading Jackson and Ellery a bedtime story

We just love him!!!

Bathtime fun in Grandma's sink. Not going to be able to do that much longer...these guys are getting so big!

Going for a sledride around the yard!

A belated Christmas post : )

We had a pretty low key Christmas this year : ) Ellery was just a week old so we decided to stay in Detroit and not travel to GR. Gerrad's parents came and stayed the night with us on Christmas Day so we did have some company and lots of good food! It was kinda fun waking up in our own house and having our little family Christmas for the first time ever!
Our little mini tree that we bought this year. Next year we'll go back to the real thing again : )

Gerrad and Jackson playing daddy's new game : )

My little peanut : )

Jackson had lots of fun playing in the styrofoam!

A couple weeks after Christmas we made it to GR and celebrated with my family. Jackson and Zion had lots of fun playing together and watching video's : ) Zion is loving his new couch that turns into a bed!
A quick family photo! Always a Donker tradition to take family pictures at Christmas for as long as I can remember!