Feb 17, 2012

Swim Class!!!

Jackson started swim class a few weeks ago with his friend Alaina. Ellery has been sick so I haven't been able to go and watch but this week we finally made it! Jackson LOVES it. He is already doing such a great job. They work on a lot of different things in the 1/2 hour that they are there. They work on swimming skills as well as water safety.

Excited to get started!
The Hello song. Elmo and his teacher come around to greet everyone
practicing kicking
swimming after the big ball
almost got it!
swimming by himself
Miss Ellery hanging out like a big girl!
going around to gather all the little balls
They walk across the big mat to teach balance and independence
working on the arm pulling
they lay on the shoulder and look at themselves as their ears are immersed to get the used to having their ears in the water
fun rings
Jackson loves going down the slide!

We have SNOW!!!

We had to wait quite awhile before we finally got enough snow to play outside in this winter! Thankfully it came on a weekend so Gerrad was able to join in the fun :)

Ellery: "tell me when this is over!"
Jackson: "I think this is fun?!?!?"
Actually I think they both loved it....the sun was in poor Ellery's eyes...and I'm not sure what Jackson's look was for :)
Bentley loved it as well!
Awwwww...riding together :)

Children's Museum!

Over Christmas break we went to the Grand Rapids Children's Museum with Jackson and Ellery's cousins. Always a good time there, but also very exhausting! The kids had a lot of fun running around and we had fun (I think) chasing them :). Afterwards we heading over to Grandma's office to have lunch with her. It was a fun day!

Jackson and Ellery loading up the shopping cart
Ellery in the kitchen
Ellery and Israel playing with the rainbow balls
ball pit!!!
We tried to get a picture of all the cousins in the ball pit but Jackson and Zion had other plans!
This was really fun! Too bad the line to do was quite long!

Ellery loved the giant light bright!! She played with it for a long time!

Christmas 2011

We had a wonderful time over Christmas this year with our families! Santa came to our house a few days early since we were going to be in Grand Rapids on Christmas day. He brought Jackson and Ellery a kitchen which they love! Jackson has been a grilling machine putting everything from ice cubes to chips to burgers on the grill (all pretend of course) :) It was a great morning with our little family of four! Unfortunately we didn't take any still pictures but focused more on the video camera this year....but here is a cute picture of Ellery playing with her new toys.

We headed to Grand Rapids a couple days before Christmas and stayed in town for about a week and a half. It was so great to see all of our family and be able to attend all the Christmas parties this year! Last year Miss Ellery's early arrival interfered with all that...but she was worth it :)
Jackson and Zion hanging out
Ellery and Israel checking out his new toy!
Ellery pooped out already and we just started opening gifts!
Jackson and Ellery in the thick of opening....loving all their new playfood and dishes!
A new wagon from Grandpa and Grandma!! We can't wait to use it this summer!
Jackson vacuuming up all the pine needles....what a big helper!!!
Me and my peanut :)
The Donker tradition for as long as I can remember is to all gather and read the story of Jesus's birth and sing Christmas hymn's together. It is a wonderful tradition that we all look forward to. This year almost everyone was there...close to 50 people! The family is sure growing!
I am sure Grandpa and Grandma are smiling at the fact we are still all able to get together! Thank you Uncle Steve and Aunt Sandy for hosting! We look forward to next year!!