Nov 14, 2012

Leaves, Leaves, more Leaves!

Jackson and Ellery have so much fun playing with their neighbor friends! This fall we had lots of fun playing in the leaves in the front yard. Endless entertainment for all the kiddo's!! My neighbor Ashley and I decided it would be a great opportunity to get some cute pictures of all the kids...
 Jackson and Ellery preparing the pile while Henry supervises :)
 Ellery and her friend James...they are exactly one year apart and about the same size!!
 All our friends!
 post jump....I missed them while they were in the air :)
Loved the pictures we got while they were throwing the leaves!
 Sooooo fun!!!
 Ashley got nailed with leaves. The kids loved it! It was a fun way to spend the afternoon!

Cider Mill and Soccer

We always look forward to going to a local cider mill in the fall, we were definitely excited to go this year until we got there and it came time to pay for our cider and donuts. Due to the apple shortage prices sky rocketed! We paid $13 for 6 donuts and a 1/2 gallon of cider. Granted they were really good, but our trips were limited this year and we ended up only going twice.
Ellery and Jackson both loved the cider!

Ellery and Daddy checking out the big wheel at the cider mill.
Jackson and his friend Alaina watching the ducks on the creek
This fall Jackson moved up to playing actual games in his soccer league. The first couple games were rough with lots of crying if he missed the ball, the goal, or fell down...lots of crying! But as the weeks went on he did much better and the crying greatly decreased :) He was ALWAYS super excited to go and play!
Gerrad was the main coach and I think he really enjoyed it!
They would do 20 minutes of drills, then have a team huddle and then play for about 30-40 minutes....or until the kids had really had enough and no one wanted to play anymore :)
Jackson on a breakaway!
The last couple weeks were quite cold, but Ellery didn't seem to mind!
Jackson taking a turn inbounding the ball.
The famous pout when he didn't get to kick the ball. oh is rough!
He was super proud of his cool trophy at the end of the season....and of course his snacks :)
Jackson and Coach Daddy :)