Aug 31, 2009

Jackson's Arrival Story

Since there have been a lot of people wanting to hear my delivery story, I thought this would be a good place to put it : )

On July 28 I had a Dr's appt in the morning, and got my blood pressure checked (it was high the week before) but this time it was fine. Then they asked if I was feeling the baby move...I said yes, but not as much. Well, that was the magic words, and I was sent to Beaumont for an NST. I figured I'd be in and out in an hour, which was good cause I had plans to go to lunch with my friend Teresa : ) I called Gerrad and told him what was going on but to stay at work...figuring I would be done at the hospital by the time he was able to get there anyway.
When I got to the hospital and got hooked up they took my blood pressure again and it was 150's-160's/100's-110's...they took it a couple of times. The nurse said she'd just wait till after the NST was done and retake it. Of course the NST was fine and when she came back to retake my blood pressure it was still 150's/100's. So off I went to triage. There they put the blood pressure cuff on and had it going off frequently and drew PIH labs. I still told Gerrad at this point to stay at work...not convinced that I was going to have to stay...or just a little denial : ) Well after about 30 more minutes of high blood pressures they decided to admit me even before my labs came back. I walked to my L&D room and finally called Gerrad and told him it was time to leave work now. Of course since I wasn't thinking I would be staying I didn't bring ANYTHING with me to the hospital, so Gerrad stopped at home before coming up...thankfully i had JUST packed my bag! Who knew I would be delivering 2 weeks early!

Next it was time to get my IV started. Actually they tried in triage and didn't get it. It ended up taking them FIVE tries. I had bruises on my arms for three weeks after I got home from that : ( Guess I have a lot of valves in my veins : ( During the IV attempts my Dr came in to tell me labs were elevated and that I was becoming pre-eclamptic...ugh. That meant I was going to be put on Mag...big bummer!! Thankfully they got the pitocin going first and didn't rush to start the mag. So my pitocin was started at 230 pm and I was dilated to 3 at that time. I was already contracting a little so I didn't end up needing a lot of pit to get things going! I was also GBS positive so they started my antibiotics at that time too. Shortly after they got all the going my Dr came back and broke my water.

The Mag was started at 4 pm, let me just say that was the worst part of my entire labor! It makes you feel sooo weak and HOT. Once my mag bolus was in I was soooo ready for my epidural....which I ended up getting at 5 pm. My Dr came to check me after I was comfortable and I was 3-4 thought I would have been more than that! The epidural was great for the first hour and then it started to really wear off. At around 645 pm I was asking to be redosed because I was feeling everything again, and my contractions were 1-2 minutes apart! The nurses said they wanted to find someone to check me first...why they didn't just do it I don't was change of shift though. Finally at 730 pm my Dr came back in the room and checked me...I was 9-10 and +2! I pretty much begged for a redose on my epidural and she said that was fine....thank goodness! Then about 830 pm my Dr came back into the room to check me and I was complete and +3! She had me do a practice push and said I crowned with the first one! So they got the room all set up and after only 15 minutes of pushing Jackson was here at 905pm weighing 6lbs 5 oz and was 20 inches long! He must have been an active little swimmer inside because he his cord was wrapped around his neck THREE times! Thankfully it wasn't too tight! He came out screaming but did need a little blow-by oxygen to pink up all the way.

My blood pressure remained high after delivery and therefore I had to stay on the mag for 24 hours after Jack was born. This meant I was not allowed to eat anything or get out of bed. I could have some yummy ice chips, an occasional popsicle and a little water though. I must say I did drink some diet coke too : ) I chowed down the next night when i was finally allowed to eat...because of course since I was supposed to be going out for lunch the previous day I didn't eat much in the morning : (

I was supposed to stay in the hospital till friday morning because I had been on mag, but thursday afternoon my Dr said that since my blood pressure was looking better (after being put on labetalol) that I could go home that day : ) Gerrad and I were so ready for that....and so began our life as a family of 3...well 4 with Bentley : )

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