Sep 25, 2009

Our little Laker!

All Smiles : )

Jackson is changing so much everyday. He is interacting with us more and more and smiling all the time for his mom and dad, which we just love! He's also getting better with sleeping at night and only getting up twice. This past weekend our good friend Heather came to visit and on Saturday Grandma Donker, Aunt Kim, and Zion came for a day of shopping. Jackson was a trooper shopping all day with the girls, and even managed to show everyone his big smiles at night. So cute!

A Sneak Peak : )

Our good friend Kari took some pictures for us of is a sneak peak at a couple. We love how they turned out! Thanks so much Kari!!!

Sep 13, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

On Sept 8 Gerrad and I celebrated our two year anniversary! I can't believe we've been married for two years already. Our good friends Eric and Teresa watched Jackson for us so that we could go out for a nice dinner. When we let them know we were on our way to pick him up they said that he had been sleeping the entire time! Guess that means he wasn't too much trouble for them : ) Jackson and I gave Gerrad a frame with his picture in it to take to work. Here is the picture we choose : ) Gotta love those cheeks!

Another busy trip to GR

Our good friends DJ and Andria got married this weekend and Gerrad was one of the groomsmen, so we were busy with rehearsals and wedding stuff. Jackson did great...meaning he slept through most of it : ) We also had fun seeing my mom's side of the family for our annual sunday before labor day party. Kim and I took another comparison picture of Jackson and Zion...Jackson sure is catching up to out little buddy!

Aug 2

Zion 3 months & Jackson 5 days
Sept 6
Zion - 4 months & Jackson 5 1/2 weeks

On Labor day we took Jackson to the beach for the first time for the Donker family get together. It was a great day but a little chilly if you weren't in the sun due the wind. Therefore Jackson had to be bundled up pretty good. He didn't seem to mind though : )

Seriously ONE month already?

Time is just flying by! We cannot believe that Jackson is one month old already! He is growing so fast and starting to have longer awake times....we've even caught a few "real " smiles : ) He is a great eater as evidenced by his 3 pound weight gain this first month! We feel so blessed to have such a healthy baby and are looking forward to the weeks to come as he begins to interact with us more and hopefully start sleeping longer at night : )

Our first trip back to GR!

The weekend of Aug 22 we made our first trip back to Grand Rapids, and boy were we busy! We had a meet the baby shower for Jackson and I saturday morning. It was fun to see all our cousins and the new babies on the Donker side...there are a few of them : )

Tammi & Mya - 7 mths, Kim & Zion - 3 1/2 mths, Nichole & Jerin - 3 mths, Kelley & Jackson - 3 1/2 wks

That night we went to our friend Krista's 30th birthday party. It was fun introducing Jackson to all the girls : ) Sunday morning we went to Zion's baptism. He did a great job, and looked so cute in his baptism outfit. Before we headed for home, we went out to our dear family friends house the Kilgores for a picnic. It was sooo great to see all of them. We hope that we can manage to get our whole families together again sometime soon!

Woodward Dream Cruise 2009

We had our annual Woodward Dream Cruise party on Sat. Aug 15. The weather was perfect...well a little on the warm side, but no rain : ) We had a great time grilling out, playing horseshoes (in our brand new pits Gerrad built), and walking down woodward to check out all the cars. Jackson and I didn't make the trek down to woodward, so we kept Bentley company back at the house. Next year we'll head down there with everyone though!
Gerrad and Beesham playing horseshoes
Jackson cashed out!
cooling off their feet after walking down woodward