Sep 13, 2009

Another busy trip to GR

Our good friends DJ and Andria got married this weekend and Gerrad was one of the groomsmen, so we were busy with rehearsals and wedding stuff. Jackson did great...meaning he slept through most of it : ) We also had fun seeing my mom's side of the family for our annual sunday before labor day party. Kim and I took another comparison picture of Jackson and Zion...Jackson sure is catching up to out little buddy!

Aug 2

Zion 3 months & Jackson 5 days
Sept 6
Zion - 4 months & Jackson 5 1/2 weeks

On Labor day we took Jackson to the beach for the first time for the Donker family get together. It was a great day but a little chilly if you weren't in the sun due the wind. Therefore Jackson had to be bundled up pretty good. He didn't seem to mind though : )

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