Nov 14, 2009

Loving Tummy Time!

Jackson is really starting to enjoy being on his tummy. He loves to look at and "talk" to his giraffe : ) It is sooo cute! He even recently rolled over! Gerrad was even home to see and we got a little video of it as well : )

Jackson also enjoys watching t.v. with his daddy...he is a t.v. junkie! We've had to turn it off at times when he is eating because he gets so distracted!

Hugging his giraffe...he sure does love him!

Nov 1, 2009

Beautiful Pictures!

Here are some pictures that a good friend of mine took for us! They turned out to choose which ones to put on our walls....not going to be easy to narrow it down!

Happy Halloween!

We have the cutest little monkey around! Jackson loved dressing up in his monkey costume!

Jackson and Zion put their costumes on for Grandma and Grandpa Donker two weeks before Halloween so we could get pictures of them together : )

Grandpa didn't want his two little guys to be the only ones dressed up so he put on a goofy hat : )

mommy and her monkey : )

Zion had had it with all the pictures...Jackson could have cared less : )

Being a monkey must be hard work!

Mommy and Jackson getting ready to go "trick or treating"...well actually we just visited a couple of our neighbors so they could see Jackson in his costume : )

Daddy did you just eat my candy?!?!?

3 Months Old!!!!

Where has the time gone?!?! We can't believe Jackson is 3 months old! He is getting so fun : ) He loves to stand up in your lap and "talk" to us, or look around. He is starting to giggle, but sometimes he makes himself cough cause he inhales when cute : ) He really enjoys playing on his playmat and is now starting to reach for and grab the toys that hang from it!

Jackson also LOVES his bathtime! We usually let him sit in the water and splash a little after he's done getting cleaned up...if we don't he gets a little mad at us! He's a good evidenced by his big belly : ) Gerrad and I are enjoying his longer sleep stretches during the night. He's been sleeping till sometime between 4 and 6 most nights. As a result we are getting really close to moving him into his own room! Overall he is a really happy baby and we feel very blessed to have such a wonderful little boy!

Fun Raking Leaves!

Jackson has had lots of fun watching mom rake leaves many times this fall already! Mom can't wait till he's big enough to help out : )

Bentley has been a good protector of his little brother. He sits by him and makes sure no squirrels come near him : )