Nov 1, 2009

3 Months Old!!!!

Where has the time gone?!?! We can't believe Jackson is 3 months old! He is getting so fun : ) He loves to stand up in your lap and "talk" to us, or look around. He is starting to giggle, but sometimes he makes himself cough cause he inhales when cute : ) He really enjoys playing on his playmat and is now starting to reach for and grab the toys that hang from it!

Jackson also LOVES his bathtime! We usually let him sit in the water and splash a little after he's done getting cleaned up...if we don't he gets a little mad at us! He's a good evidenced by his big belly : ) Gerrad and I are enjoying his longer sleep stretches during the night. He's been sleeping till sometime between 4 and 6 most nights. As a result we are getting really close to moving him into his own room! Overall he is a really happy baby and we feel very blessed to have such a wonderful little boy!

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