Jan 29, 2010

6 Months Old!!!!

We cannot believe that our little man is 6 months old already! Time goes by way to fast! Jackson is really close to sitting up on his now. He can do it for a little bit but if he starts to wiggle and move too much he topples over : ) He still hasn't mastered the rolling from his back to his tummy yet...probably cause he's not a tummy time fan. He can get to within inches of being all the way over but then pushes himself back on his back....stinker : ) He's become quite the finger sucker which we are not fans of, and are working on getting him to suck on a pacifier instead...seems to be working too! We started veggies a couple weeks ago and so far he's had squash and sweet potato's...both of which he seems to really like. He's also learning to drink a little water from a sippy cup : ) We are working on getting him to sleep through the night again...he was doing really great until just after Christmas when he got his first cold and ever since it's been hit or miss. Hopefully we'll have him back on track soon! Overall he is a really happy baby and brings Gerrad and I soooooo much joy! We love you bunches Jackson!

Jackson is fascinated with our phones these days. If we are talking on them he's trying to grab it from us. He really likes it if we have it on speaker phone when we talk to people so he can join in on the conversation : ) He thinks he's really cool then! : )

Jan 26, 2010

Jackson's indoor playground!

I think it is safe to say that our little man has taken over our house! This is only the stuff in the living room...there's more in the basement! Time to start saving for a bigger place : )

Jackson's Baptism

On Sunday January 24, Jackson was baptized into the family of God! We had a beautiful baptism service at Fifth Reformed Church and then headed back to Gerrad's parents house to celebrate with family. What an awesome day!!!!

Jackson was reading his book while mom and dad finished getting ready for church : )

He did great throughout the service...never cried at all!

Pastor Jon and Pastor Bruce did the baptizing.

Matt, Tammi and Mya came to watch Jackson be baptized. It was no easy feat trying to get a picture of the two of them....Jackson was too busy trying to grab Tammi's hair and Mya wanted to get down and explore!

Jackson received some really cool gifts from his Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles!

Jan 15, 2010

My New Trick...

One of Jackson new favorite things to do is to take his socks off! Here he was supposed to be taking a nap...obviously he had other plans. I went in his room his covers were off, socks were up by his head and he just laughed : ) So stinkin cute!

We just pulled out his exersaucer and he is loving it! I think he is really enjoying being upright and not having to lay back all the time.

Jan 8, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas this year with our little man...but it was also busy! We headed to GR on the 23rd and proceeded to have 5 big parties in 4 days! Needless to say we were all exhausted after that and needed a day to relax and recover. It was soooo great to see our families though! We even managed to get a little snowmobiling in up at the cottage with Grandpa and Grandma Almy. Jackson's big present from Mom and Dad was his new big boy chair. He thinks he's pretty cool sitting in it!

Uncle Mark might have forgotten to buy his nephews a Christmas present so they each got a dollar from him....as you can see Jackson is more than thrilled : )

Grandma Donker got Jackson and Zion a learning home. They were both SOOO excited to open them together!

The two cousins with Grandpa and Grandma

Jackson 'reading' his new photo books from Grandma. They have all his family members pictures in them so he will know their faces when we go to visit them.

My Buddy Bentley

Jackson just LOVES Bentley! He smiles and laughs everytime he see's him. Bentley also loves Jackson but some of these pics would tell you otherwise : )

a little blurry but still cute : )

"If I just close my eyes and pretend this isn't happening when I open them I'll realize it was just a dream" Bentley doesn't appear to appreciate having Jackson sit on him...oh just wait Bent...this is only the beginning!

Playing on the floor together at the cottage

My happy boy : )