Jan 29, 2010

6 Months Old!!!!

We cannot believe that our little man is 6 months old already! Time goes by way to fast! Jackson is really close to sitting up on his now. He can do it for a little bit but if he starts to wiggle and move too much he topples over : ) He still hasn't mastered the rolling from his back to his tummy yet...probably cause he's not a tummy time fan. He can get to within inches of being all the way over but then pushes himself back on his back....stinker : ) He's become quite the finger sucker which we are not fans of, and are working on getting him to suck on a pacifier instead...seems to be working too! We started veggies a couple weeks ago and so far he's had squash and sweet potato's...both of which he seems to really like. He's also learning to drink a little water from a sippy cup : ) We are working on getting him to sleep through the night again...he was doing really great until just after Christmas when he got his first cold and ever since it's been hit or miss. Hopefully we'll have him back on track soon! Overall he is a really happy baby and brings Gerrad and I soooooo much joy! We love you bunches Jackson!

Jackson is fascinated with our phones these days. If we are talking on them he's trying to grab it from us. He really likes it if we have it on speaker phone when we talk to people so he can join in on the conversation : ) He thinks he's really cool then! : )

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