Apr 30, 2010

9 Month Update!!!

Life as we have known it is no more....Jackson is crawling!!! Up until a week ago he has just been a rolling/twisting machine, but recently decided that just wasn't cutting it anymore and he figured out how to crawl : ) He is discovering all kinds of cool new places in the house...time to really baby proof : )

He also has two teeth. We keep thinking another one is going to pop through cause he is constantly gnawing on his finger but nothing yet. I'm sure it won't be long though. He is really enjoying feeding himself and drinking from his sippy cup. Actually I think his favorite thing to do with the sippy cup is slam in over and over on his tray and smile while he does it. Can we say attention seeker : ) It's really cute!

We are also noticing many more different sounds that he is making as he jibber jabbers. Hopefully we can get a mama or a dada soon....I'm hoping for mama first : )

He seems to be consistently sleeping through the night now....can I get an AMEN : ) He's also taking two really good naps during the day....so all is well in the sleeping dept...until that next tooth comes I'm sure!

It truly amazes me how much he changes from month to month. It's so fun to watch him grow and learn new things!! We go to the Dr on Monday so we'll find out then how much he weighs. relaxing on one of our walks

His most fun part of the day....bathtime!!

Sporting his Tigers hat!

His nine month birthday : )

Get ready here I come!!!

Such a big boy : )

Champion Mess Maker!

This took him all of about a minute! At least he is content to play by himself : )

An Armful for Grandma!

Pretty soon it is going to be awfully hard for Grandma to hold both the boys...they are getting so big!
Zion was more than thrilled to be taking pictures, and Jackson just wanted to play : )

Well at least they are both looking at the camera.

Oh Zion its not that bad : )

Outdoor Storytime : )

The boys are so happy to finally be playing outside more. Here they are enjoying reading some books on the blanket. Granted Jackson does more eating than reading...but it's a start : )
Benjamin is intently studying his spanish words : )

Apr 15, 2010

Pool's Out!!!

Yeah for warm weather!!! Benjamin, Jackson, and I thought it would be fun to play in the pool today! The boys had a blast. It is next to impossible to get both of them smiling at the camera, but we sure did try. Benjamin was just too busy playing with the dump truck : )

so close to two smiles : )

Jackson sure does LOVE the pool! A couple face plants into the water didn't even phase him : )

It's going to be a fun summer!

Apr 11, 2010

Spring Break 2010!

Yeah for Spring Break!!! We had an awesome vacation down in South Beach with Grandpa and Grandma Almy! It was so great to get away and spend some time in the sun relaxing...well as much as you can with an 8 month old that is : ) Jackson did great on the plane! I think he was excited to be going on vacation too!

We only spent one day on the beach because he wasn't a big fan of the wind, but here he is playing in the beach tent : )
My little cool dude drinking from his cup one handed...it's his latest trick...and to top it all off he always turns the cup upside down : )

We celebrated Gerrad's 30th birthday while we were down there! He was still getting over a nasty cold, so the party was a little subdued but we had some yummy cherry spice cake and went out for a nice dinner...in that order : )

Jackson loved to sit at the top of the slide but wasn't so fond of going down it.

Grandpa put his MSU hat on Jackson...looks like he's got some growing room : )

We spent one afternoon at the Miami Zoo! It was a super hot day but overall Jackson did really well. He took a couple little naps in daddy's arms which helped. He and I had fun feeding the giraffes too!

Little man LOVED the pool! The first day we tried it he cried, but it was really windy. The next time we put him in he was laughing, kicking and splashing all over! He even put his face in the water all by himself multiple times! I think he's going to be a little fish : ) Hopefully his little baby pool will be as much fun as the big pool!

Swimming with Daddy!

Splashing on the steps with Grandma : )
Our last night before heading home.

Having so much fun on Daddy's shoulders!

A Belated 8 Month Update : )

Time sure does fly when you are having fun...as evidenced by the late 8 month entry : ) We have been very busy playing inside and out and going for lots of walks! Jackson is so good at sitting and playing all by himself. He loves his new workbench : ) He now has two teeth on the bottom and loves to put anything and everything into his mouth and chew on it! For the most part he sleeps anywhere from 8 1/2 - 9 1/2 hrs a night, eats then goes back to sleep for another 1 1/2 hrs. We are starting to go away from three naps down to two now. He still isn't crawling and so far doesn't seem to be that interested in it...which is fine with me! I'm sure it won't be long before he's wanting to get into everything!!! So far he still seems to be a pretty laid back little guy and is almost always a happy camper : ) It doesn't take much to get him laughing. He brings us a lot of joy and happiness!