Apr 30, 2010

9 Month Update!!!

Life as we have known it is no more....Jackson is crawling!!! Up until a week ago he has just been a rolling/twisting machine, but recently decided that just wasn't cutting it anymore and he figured out how to crawl : ) He is discovering all kinds of cool new places in the house...time to really baby proof : )

He also has two teeth. We keep thinking another one is going to pop through cause he is constantly gnawing on his finger but nothing yet. I'm sure it won't be long though. He is really enjoying feeding himself and drinking from his sippy cup. Actually I think his favorite thing to do with the sippy cup is slam in over and over on his tray and smile while he does it. Can we say attention seeker : ) It's really cute!

We are also noticing many more different sounds that he is making as he jibber jabbers. Hopefully we can get a mama or a dada soon....I'm hoping for mama first : )

He seems to be consistently sleeping through the night now....can I get an AMEN : ) He's also taking two really good naps during the day....so all is well in the sleeping dept...until that next tooth comes I'm sure!

It truly amazes me how much he changes from month to month. It's so fun to watch him grow and learn new things!! We go to the Dr on Monday so we'll find out then how much he weighs. relaxing on one of our walks

His most fun part of the day....bathtime!!

Sporting his Tigers hat!

His nine month birthday : )

Get ready here I come!!!

Such a big boy : )

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