Oct 18, 2010

Time Flies!

I can't believe it's been almost a month since the last update....as usual we've been busy : ) Gerrad is traveling every week for work so Jackson and I have been having lots of time to hang out together. He loves to play outside, so whenever it's nice we try to get out for awhile. He has figured out how to climb up his slide...which he thinks is sooo cool, and he loves to swing and play in the sandbox/horseshoe pit....we'll have to get a real sandbox next spring : ) He has become a walking machine! He is pretty steady on his feet now and it's so fun to watch him go!
We've had lots of fun on the weekends when daddy is home going to the orchard and picking apples, going to Grand Rapids and checking out artprize, and just hanging out at home as well. Here are some pictures from the last month or so : )

Having fun making Bentley some yummy woodchip soup : )

Someone LOVES the outdoor faucet!

A family photo down at Artprize : )

Can we say DIRTY! Jackson was trying to drink the puddles off the cement...he was a mess!

The three cousins!

My little gatekeeper : )

coloring a pumpkin at daddy's work party

Having fun playing on the slide!

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