Apr 8, 2011

Ellery's baptism and 3 Month update : )

We were so excited to have Ellery baptized at Fifth Church! It worked out that they were doing baptism on a weekend we were going to be in town. She wore the same dress that I wore when I was baptized. My mom made it and actually both of my sisters wore it as well. Super special!
Couldn't get a smile for the full length shot...
but she gave one for the close up : ) She is just three months in this picture. I was slacking and forgot to make a little sign. oh well. At three months she is a GREAT sleeper. She will sleep 8-9 hours straight at night! Sometimes it's midnight or later before she goes to sleep, but at least she will sleep a long time after that! She is still a momma's girl, but is getting better when Gerrad is holding her : ) Good thing cause I will eventually be going back to work!
Jackson and his cousin Rowen. Jackson's trying to be a big helper and give Rowen his paci : )
The best attempt at a family photo with the cake

Grand Rapids Children's Museum!

Jackson, Ellery, and I stayed in GR for a week to do wedding stuff for Aunt Kristyn, and one day we decided to take a break and visit the Children's Museum. It was our first time going there and we had so much fun! The boys loved it and were super tired when we left. My camera battery died while we were there so I missed a lot of the stuff we did, but managed to get some cute photos before it was done. We can't wait to go again sometime!

Grandma took the day off and went with us thankfully! It would have been a nightmare without her with 4 kids under 2! Zion loading the shopping cart Jackson's turn!
Jackson racing to the checkout lane : )
Time to do a little work at the post office
Jackson loved this thing. He spent a lot of time filling up the rainbow : )

Jackson's new hair fashions...

If my little man got paid for every time he tried to wear his meal in his hair he'd be a rich boy!!! It doesn't seem to matter what it is...it makes its way to his head at some point during the meal....hot dogs, mac and cheese, applesauce, cake, pb&j, you name it it's been in his hair : )

This was during Sunday lunch at my parents house. We were all talking and not paying attention to what he was doing, and then someone glanced his way and we all busted out laughing. What a ham!!! a lovely squash hair treatment!
this time it's cake : )

Ellery at 2 Months : )

Ellery overall is a great baby...but she is definitely a momma's girl! She cries quite a bit when Gerrad holds her or anyone else for that matter, but with me she's fine : ) I'm okay with that! She is a good eater and sleeper so far. She only got up once during the night around the 2 month age which was great! At her Dr appt she wieghed 9 lbs 14 oz (25%) and was 21 inches long (5%). Jackson is doing great with her! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses, and tires to hold her once in awhile. Every morning and every night before he goes to bed he has to give her a kiss goodnight...mom and dad don't even get kisses every night, but Ellery does : )

a cute little grin : ) cashed out in her bouncy chair Jackson had to jump in for a picture too!
Jackson keeping Ellery company during tummy time : )