Jun 4, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs and Easter Egg Hunts!

 We found out our church was having an Easter egg hunt a few days after getting back from our Florida trip. At first we decided we weren't going to go because it was going to be right at naptime. Well at the LAST minute I decided to just take Jackson since he wasn't acting to tired yet. I got him all ready with a bucket and off we went. I had looked up the address (or so I thought) of the park that it was going to be at before I left. When I got to that location it was just the firestation and community building. So I started driving all around the area looking for this park. The entire time Jackson was sitting in the backseat holding his bucket asking where the Easter egg hunt was. After 15 minutes of searching he fell asleep and I headed home :( Turns out if I had gone over one more street I would have found it...we were sooo close. When we got home I carried him into his room and put him in bed. As I did this he briefly opened his eyes and said "Easter egg hunt". Let's just say it broke my heart and I immediately drove to the store to buy eggs and candy and we had a little hunt in our backyard :) 
 He had fun and that's all that mattered!
 Even Ellery enjoyed finding some eggs in the yard!
 Jackson had a lot of fun coloring eggs this year. It was our first time doing it as a family. He picked out "CARS" stickers to put on them....shocking right :)
 Concentrating very hard on carefully getting the eggs out of the cups
 My sweet boy :)
 Daddy helped with the stickers because they were a little tricky to get off the sheet
 Grandma had a Easter egg hunt at her house for all the cousins. The kids all had a specific color egg that they had to find to ensure everyone got the same amount. It was really fun....but a tad bit windy that day!
 Ellery and Israel holding their buckets!
We attempted to get a picture of all the kids together with their eggs and buckets but it was nearly impossible between being tired, hungry, and running off! At least they are all in this picture :)

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