Mar 6, 2013

Ellery's Swim Class!

When Jackson graduated from the baby pool to the big pool we slid Ellery into his spot. She loves going to swim class just as much as Jackson does!
 practicing her kicking across the pool
 kicking the big ball around the pool
 using her pulling arms to gather up the rainbow balls and bring them back to the bucket. She's gotten really good at holding them under her chin so she can bring back three to four at a time :)
 Having fun with Daddy :)
 Walking across the big blue mat
 and the BIG jump back in :)
 practicing elbow, elbow, tummy, knee to get out of the pool
 supergirl glide to Daddy :)
 "floating" on her back and singing twinkle twinkle while looking at the mirror
 motor boat!
 Her favorite part...the slide!

Giving Ms Olivia high five and saying goodbye :)

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