Feb 11, 2010

All Better!

We are soooo thankful that Jackson has recovered from having RSV! He was pretty miserable for a few days, but would still smile for us : ) What a trooper! We are very thankful that we didn't have to go to the hospital at all, just had to make quite a few trips to the doctor for lung and ear checks. Apparently he is the only baby this winter to not get an ear infection with RSV! Yeah Jackson!

Getting started with one of his many breathing treatments.

Gerrad and I were very thankful for his Praise baby videos that he received for his baptism! When it was time for a breathing treatment we would turn one on and he would sit and watch it during the treatment. He loves those videos!

My happy boy! He is definitely feeling better! Still has an occasional cough but other than that we are all better. Praise God for that!

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