Jun 30, 2010

11 Month Update

Oh my goodness only one more month and my baby is going to be ONE!!!!! Hard to believe almost a whole year has gone by! Jackson is quite the ham these days and thinks he is really funny! If he is doing something he's not supposed to we ask him what he's doing and he looks at us and smiles or laughs...stinker! He is ALL over the house now! Not walking yet, but he sure is a fast crawler. Don't take your eyes off him or he'll be all the way up the stairs or trying to play with the computer or his favorite place...the bathroom...YUCK! For the most part that door stays closed but occasionally we forget to shut it and he figures it out every time!
He loves to feed himself now, and rarely will let us spoon feed him....unless it is his yogurt. I must say he does like to hoard food in his cheeks though. He will stuff his mouth as full as he can...especially if he's eating watermelon and there will still be pieces in there almost an hour after he's been done eating. crazy nut!
He loves to play in his pool, and crawl around outside inspecting every piece of dirt/sticks you name it on the driveway...and he usually tries to put them all in his mouth. We are heading to the beach this weekend and then up north to the cottage for the week of the fourth and are looking forward playing with Jackson in the water. Then when we get back it will be time to plan the big birthday party!!!

Jackson never misses an opportunity to clap for himself : ) 11 months is definitely a good reason to clap!
He loves burpcloths! Thankfully we have tons of them!

Smiling after taking a nasty spill out of his pool.

WHO GAVE HIM THAT!! Ummm that would be his daddy...starting him early!

checking out the hose

Mr hotstuff playing by the computer : )

Wearing his new cool dude sunglasses : )

Jackson and Bentley love looking out the front door together : )

Do you think he has enough food in his mouth?!?!?

Having fun swimming with mommy : )

My Little Food Thief

So I thought the eating other people's lunch wouldn't start till like elementary school...oh no, Jackson was always trying to eat Benjamins lunch. It didn't matter that he himself had just finished eating his own lunch.
I think I'll have some of that thank you very much

Benjamin is not so sure what to think of Jackson taking his food

Father's Day in Detroit

We had a great time celebrating Father's Day in Detroit this year! The weather was perfect for spending the day outside and we enjoyed some great family time!
I tried really hard to get both boys looking at the camera at the same time while they were sittting back to back but to no avail...so here's one of the back of their heads : )

playing with the cool phone!

Zion enjoying a nice ride in the swing

A little bean bag toss and a little horseshoes!

The guys having a rematch

Jackson sharing his ravioli with Grandpa

Hugs for Grandpa : ) Zion is loving his watermelon!

okay maybe i'll just play with your watch with my dirty hands : )

Jun 12, 2010

Parenting Group Zoo Day

The group cooling off in the air conditioning and watching the seals. It was super hot outside!

Jackson and his friend Izzy

Already flirting at 10 months....we are in trouble!

Jackson and Daddy checking out the ice wall

Who's in charge of the TV?

These days Gerrad and I can no longer watch what we want to watch on TV....we watch what Jackson picks. He has gotten very good at adjusting the volume and changing the channel. He's even turned it on when we weren't in the room so he had something on while he was playing. I mean seriously he's 10 months...we are in trouble!

I'm so tricky : )
I think it's time to turn this thing off!

hmmm this looks interesting

maybe it's time for a video : )

Jackson VS The Furniture

Jackson seems to have no fear these days and is quite daring when it comes to pulling himself up on anything and everything. As you can see he doesn't always succeed in an easy transition from standing to sitting. There are many times when he forgets to hang on. His poor head looks like he's been through a war....and I guess he kinda has...poor guy! However he is completely unfazed!

Jun 8, 2010

Our little fish!

We were so glad the rain held off last saturday so we could go swimming in Grandpa and Grandma's pool. Jackson was kicking and splashing all around. He just loves the water!
The best attempt at a family photo : )
so happy!

Mr Zion....he wasn't a fan of the water. He's just like his daddy in that the water needs to be quite warm for him to go in...it's that trini blood in him : ) He was wearing a pair of shorts that Uncle Mark wore when he was little cause he didn't have his suit and as you can see they were a little big : )

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great weekend up north for Memorial Day! The Donker clan was camping up at Burt Lake so we spent one day there and the rest at the cottage! Could not have asked for nicer weather!!!

Jackson had fun floating in Burt Lake. The water was sooo warm!!!

We had a perfect spot on the beach...sand and a great shade tree which Jackson took advantage of for a nice nap : )
Here Jackson and Daddy are having fun swimming in Lake Mitchell...also nice and warm!
Jackson loved chasing Bentley in the water : )

Bentley taking a quick breather on the dock...he stayed in the water almost all day...and therefore slept for about two days after we got home....we need to go to the cottage more often and wear him out : )

10 Months!

Jackson is a crawling machine! There is certainly no more sitting and relaxing while he plays on the floor. He is constantly going for the dog bowls...mainly the water bowl, climbing stairs, and playing with the tv buttons. In the morning when Bentley's food is poured into his bowl, Jackson hears it, drops his toys, and goes racing for it....it's his own little dinner bell : ) He is saying dada all the time...not quite in context yet though. I keep trying to get him to say mama but he just laughs at me....little stinker! someday : ) We've been trying more and more finger foods. He loves cut up pieces of turkey, peaches, bread, french fries, and of course all the little gerber finger foods! Meal times are taking longer and longer cause he gets sooooo distracted! However it does give me time to actually eat my meals before they get cold : ) We have been enjoying time at the cottage and with family in Grand Rapids a lot lately. Jackson has been getting many opportunities to go swimming and he loves it! It's going to be a fun summer! Countdown to birthday....2 months!!!!

Our little goofball crawling around with one of his letters in his mouth
Puffs galore!!! I think the one on his forehead is being saved for later : )

His favorite thing to do lately....the fishface....which he taught himself how to do!