Jun 30, 2010

11 Month Update

Oh my goodness only one more month and my baby is going to be ONE!!!!! Hard to believe almost a whole year has gone by! Jackson is quite the ham these days and thinks he is really funny! If he is doing something he's not supposed to we ask him what he's doing and he looks at us and smiles or laughs...stinker! He is ALL over the house now! Not walking yet, but he sure is a fast crawler. Don't take your eyes off him or he'll be all the way up the stairs or trying to play with the computer or his favorite place...the bathroom...YUCK! For the most part that door stays closed but occasionally we forget to shut it and he figures it out every time!
He loves to feed himself now, and rarely will let us spoon feed him....unless it is his yogurt. I must say he does like to hoard food in his cheeks though. He will stuff his mouth as full as he can...especially if he's eating watermelon and there will still be pieces in there almost an hour after he's been done eating. crazy nut!
He loves to play in his pool, and crawl around outside inspecting every piece of dirt/sticks you name it on the driveway...and he usually tries to put them all in his mouth. We are heading to the beach this weekend and then up north to the cottage for the week of the fourth and are looking forward playing with Jackson in the water. Then when we get back it will be time to plan the big birthday party!!!

Jackson never misses an opportunity to clap for himself : ) 11 months is definitely a good reason to clap!
He loves burpcloths! Thankfully we have tons of them!

Smiling after taking a nasty spill out of his pool.

WHO GAVE HIM THAT!! Ummm that would be his daddy...starting him early!

checking out the hose

Mr hotstuff playing by the computer : )

Wearing his new cool dude sunglasses : )

Jackson and Bentley love looking out the front door together : )

Do you think he has enough food in his mouth?!?!?

Having fun swimming with mommy : )

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