Jun 8, 2010

10 Months!

Jackson is a crawling machine! There is certainly no more sitting and relaxing while he plays on the floor. He is constantly going for the dog bowls...mainly the water bowl, climbing stairs, and playing with the tv buttons. In the morning when Bentley's food is poured into his bowl, Jackson hears it, drops his toys, and goes racing for it....it's his own little dinner bell : ) He is saying dada all the time...not quite in context yet though. I keep trying to get him to say mama but he just laughs at me....little stinker! someday : ) We've been trying more and more finger foods. He loves cut up pieces of turkey, peaches, bread, french fries, and of course all the little gerber finger foods! Meal times are taking longer and longer cause he gets sooooo distracted! However it does give me time to actually eat my meals before they get cold : ) We have been enjoying time at the cottage and with family in Grand Rapids a lot lately. Jackson has been getting many opportunities to go swimming and he loves it! It's going to be a fun summer! Countdown to birthday....2 months!!!!

Our little goofball crawling around with one of his letters in his mouth
Puffs galore!!! I think the one on his forehead is being saved for later : )

His favorite thing to do lately....the fishface....which he taught himself how to do!

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