Jan 22, 2011

Jackson's First Haircut!

This actually happened over a month ago, and he is now ready for haircut #2, but I figured better late than never in getting these posted : ) He did a great job sitting on Daddy's lap for his haircut, but was definitely not quite sure what was going on when we got there. Just needed to give him a sucker and he was a happy camper!

What a handsome guy! He was too busy eating his sucker and checking himself out in the mirror to look at the camera : )

1 comment:

  1. I just saw your blog on Michelle's blog and had to pop in to say HI! :) What cute pictures...he is absolutely ADORABLE! Missed seeing you guys at Christmas...and a belated CONGRATS on the new bundle of joy! Stop by my blog if you have any spare time (yeah right:) or just wanna say hello: http://joydelightsinjoy.blogspot.com/
