Jan 26, 2011

Our Most Perfect Christmas Gift!

On December 18, we were blessed with our babygirl Ellery Rose Almy! I was induced again due to pre-eclampsia at 35 weeks. She was super tiny weighing in at 5 lbs 13 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long. She did have to visit the intermediate nursery in NICU due to a little breathing trouble, but after 6 hours she was able to come back to us! I had to remain on labor and delivery for 12 hours after she was born because of my blood pressure being high and I was on mag sulfate again...booo! I wasn't allowed to eat anything that whole time either...it was horrible, but I made up for it when I was moved to postpartum and no longer on the mag! My blood pressure bounced back to more normal levels much quicker this time than it did with Jackson so that was good. I still went home on blood pressure meds but I was weaned off them within 3 weeks!

We were totally shown how much God was in control throughout this whole experience! Gerrad had been traveling for work and the night before (Thursday) I went into the hospital his return flight was canceled and thankfully he was able to get on another flight with another airline. The next morning I woke up with a bad headache and called the Dr. They said to go in and be evaluated in triage. Gerrad was working from home so he was able to stay with Jackson. I called my mom just to see if she would be able to come out that day if I was not able to go home, and wouldn't you know she had just happened to take the day off! I later called her and told her to head over our way and Gerrad was able to drop Jackson off at his daycare till my mom arrived. Our friend Teresa picked him up and met my mom at our house. The rest of the grandparents came that night and Gerrad's mom was able to stay at our house until we came home on Tuesday....she was just starting her winter break! Amazing how everything just fell into place. God is soooo good!!!
I was seriously SHOCKED that we had a girl!!! I was truly convinced I was having a boy, and still find it hard to believe that we have a little girl : )

Our little family of four : )
Jackson got to spend lots of time with his grandparents while I was in the hospital! They brought him up to us the morning after Ellery was born and he was the first one to meet her : ) He is going to be a great big brother!

Jackson loves to give her little pats and hugs and kisses!
He was in love with the hospital cups and straws and everytime he came to visit he had to walk around with one : )
Jackson and I had fun opening Ellery's presents! Bring on the girl clothes!!!!

Finally going home!!! We had to stay an extra day due to Ellery's bilirubin level. Needless to say she was "glowing"! It was worth it though because that way we for sure were not going to have to be readmitted within a day or two...which the peds said would most likely happen if we didn't do the bili lights before we left. I had to be discharged the night before but the hospital let us stay in our room and have Ellery in there under the lights so we didn't have to be separated. It was great!!!

Our little peanut all ready to head home!
We are truly blessed to now have two beautiful blessings in our family : )


  1. loved reading this. Glad all is well, and your kids are precious

  2. She's GORGEOUS! What awesome pictures:) ANd how funny you were shocked she was a girl. I love the story and her beautiful name. Congratulations!!
