Jan 16, 2012

Jackson's 2nd Birthday!

We had a great time celebrating Jackson's 2nd birthday! Grandma Suzie was in town on his actual birthday and we all went to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner, and then back to our house for gifts.

Being the birthday boy is hard work!

The day of the party couldn't have been better! It was sunny and warm....perfect for the kids to play in the pool! Jackson hopped in before getting his suit on....guess that's what you can do when you are the birthday boy : )

Jackson, Benjamin, and Zion having fun with his new sprinkler ball from Uncle Josh and Aunt Kristin

they also got him a slip n slide (per his daddy's request : ) ) It was great fun!

A Lightning McQueen cake of course!

The boys relaxing in the pool and eating a popsicle : )

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