Jan 15, 2012

Spring Fun!

Going way back and updating our blog! We had a busy spring with buying a new house and getting it all ready for us to move in as well as getting our old house ready for renters. I spent a lot of days at the new house painting and Gerrad spent most of his evenings there trying to get our renovations done. We learned a very valuable lesson during the whole process....next time hire more things out! We took on way too much having two small children and doing everything ourselves but in the end it turned out great and we are very happy with it. Our new neighborhood is wonderful with lots of young kids for Jackson and Ellery to play with. We did manage to squeeze in some fun activities though thankfully : ) Here is a small sample of pictures from our spring fun : )

Jackson is trying out the slide at the cool park by our new house!

My happy little girl playing on her playmat!

I just love this picture! She looks so happy! You would never know that she was a stinker when ever anyone but her mommy tried to hold her! She is definitely a momma's girl!

Grandpa Jerry and Grandma Suzie came to visit for Easter and Jackson got to do an Easter Egg Hunt in our living room! He loved it!!

Just another picture showing Jackson's love for wearing his food!

Jackson got an early birthday present from Grandpa and Grandma Donker at Zion's birthday party! It was so great because he was able to use it all summer and he LOVED it!!

Miss Ellery soaking up some rays and wearing one of mommy's old bonnets : )

can you say water logged!

these boys LOVE to play in the pool!

Jackson went to a farm with his daycare and he got to feed the baby goats!

....and milk the momma goat!

Daddy and his munchkins in our new living room! (the unpainted/undecorated version)

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