Sep 20, 2012

Jackson's 3rd Birthday!!

We had so much fun celebrating Jackson's 3rd birthday and couldn't have asked for a better day to do it!! He wanted to have a Lightening McQueen birthday again this year cause as everyone knows he LOVES anything Lightning McQueen :)  We had a couple surprises lined up for his birthday and he was super excited about both of them.
 Here he is just waking up from his nap and ready to start the party with surprise #1....
 A Lightning McQueen  BOUNCE HOUSE!!!! Don't have a great picture of the front but it has Lightning McQueen and all his friends on the front :) It was a HUGE hit with Jackson and all his cousins and friends and even the adults :) Almost everyone climbed in to do a little bouncing :)
 Jackson got a lot of cool gifts and really liked his fireman outfit, and tonka trucks, bubble blower, race track and he got enough clothes to keep him stylin all winter :)
 Jackson and Zion cooling off in the pool after doing some bouncing :)
 I must say I was super excited and proud of my Lightning McQueen cupcakes that I made....can't take credit for the cake although it turned out great too :)
 Jackson loved licking all the frosting off the candles :)
 All the cousins having fun bouncing!!!
 Time for surprise #2....Jackson's gift from Mommy and Daddy...
 A new Tractor!!!
 Jackson and Zion checking out his new wheels!!! He definitely needs a little practice with the driving but I'm sure he'll catch on in no time!!
My sweet little munchkins the morning after inhaling the cupcakes while Daddy was supposed to be watching them. They have never been so quiet! Makes me laugh just thinking about how this all went down since the cupcakes were way up on the counter and Jackson somehow got them down and miss Ellery followed right along :) They are going to be double trouble!!
A few more bounce house pictures :)

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