Sep 21, 2012

Wiggles/Friends/End of Summer Fun :)

Holy Moly this is going to be a longer post due to all the FUN outings we packed into August! Kim and I took the older boys to the Wiggles concert, we made many trips to the zoo with friends once the weather finally cooled down a bit, went to a local park to feed the ducks left over bread from our Woodward Dream Cruise party, visited Gerrad's Great Aunt and Uncle on their farm, and went to a Wild Animal Park! Definitely a fun filled month as summer was winding down, with lots of great memories created!
 Kim and I took Jackson, Zion and their friend Gabriel to see the Wiggle's. We had these great intentions of eating at a restaurant before the show but those went by the wayside after sitting in HORRIBLE traffic on the way there, so we settled on drive thru mcdonalds. The boys loved it :)
 Jackson is excited for the concert to start!
 Zion and Kim ready to do some singing and dancing!
 So happy!
 All the boys dancing!!
 It was a fun time but we were definitely ready to be done by the end of the show. The boys were exhausted! Looking forward to taking them again and maybe bringing Ellery and Israel this time :)
 Ellery and her friend Dakota playing in the sandbox one night when we got together for dinner
 These four kiddo's always have so much fun together!
 Jackson LOVED riding on this motorcycle! We ended up getting him one with his birthday money that he had yet to's been a huge hit!
 Ellery and Daddy reading the newspaper and eating breakfast :)
 One of our many zoo trips with the Lemke girls. Such a great way to spend the morning!
 Checking out the grizzly bear who was actually out moving around!
 so cute :)
 LOVE it when the polar bear is in the water...and it doesn't happen that often!! His paws are huge!!
 Ellery looked down right as I took the picture...ugh
 All holding hands after leaving "the farm" at the zoo :)  Could they be any cuter?!?!?
 I neglected to take my camera out during the dream cruise party till the end so not many pictures. We ended up getting a bounce house again so the kids had a great time playing in that again. In the evening they decided to "cook" outside with all the playfood and dishes :)
 We took all the old leftover buns etc from the dream cruise party and turned them into duck food. Jackson and Ellery had a great time feeding the ducks!

 Our last trip to the zoo before Dakota started school.
 a quick picture by the tiger...not easy to get them all smiling and looking the same way!
 We were so thankful the prairie dog lookouts where not busy so Jackson and Dakota were able to climb up and check them out. Jackson thought it was so cool!
 As a special treat we rode the carousel this time....been avoiding all summer cause you have to pay extra only to find out it cost a total of $2 for the three of us to ride....totally worth it :)
 My big girl hanging on all by herself :)
 On one of our trips back to Grand Rapids we stopped at Gerrad's great Aunt and Uncles farm to visit for a bit. Uncle Gordie took Jackson for a tractor ride and he loved it! He even got to "drive" :)
 Ellery didn't ride but she wanted to get a picture with Jackson :)
 We went to the Boulder Ridge Wild Animal park for the first time. What a neat place! They had a lot of cool animals and hands on activities!
 They had some little baby chicks....don't remember their exact name, but they were so soft!
 The Parakeet feeding area sounded like a neat thing to do, but was quite overwhelming because there were so many birds in there and Jackson and Ellery did NOT like it at all!
Jackson and Zion sitting on the Elephant while we waited for the safari bus to take us around the rest of the park.
We had such a fun summer and I'm definitely sad that it's over, but I'm sure we'll find plenty of fun things to do this fall :)

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